четверг, 21 ноября 2019 г.

Group interviews: what is the point of such interviews

One of the forms of “non-traditional interviews” can be called group interviews - when during an interview on one side of the negotiation process there is more than one person. Depending on which side the group gathered, there are 2 types of group interviews:

    group - when several applicants are present at the interview;
    panel - when several interviewers conduct an interview.

The reputation of group interviews is fundamentally negative - representatives of network marketing, who often use just this form of interview, pretty much ruined it. Therefore, one can understand why many applicants are frightened by this form of interview, but everything is not so simple. Features of this type of interviews and considers Work.ua.
Group interview

Group interviews are justified if leadership and communication skills are important for a potential candidate - during a group interview they are the easiest to show. Therefore, group interviews are often used to find leadership positions and in the mass selection of specialties, where confidence, initiative and communication with a large audience are the most important skills: advertisers, PR managers, sales managers, promoters, journalists, realtors, insurance and travel agents, call operators centers.

Group interviews are meaningless for those professionals whose responsibilities do not include working with people in stressful situations, and do not need to show leadership qualities: accountants, engineers, IT specialists, analysts, editors - in a word, all those who quietly do their work in their office work.
Typical Group Interview Scenario

Although somewhat generalized, the steps described below are found in almost every group interview.
Presentation of the company

Presenting a company and a job once instead of -11 saves interviewers time. For applicants, it is very important at this stage to ask questions in order to understand whether such a vacancy is affordable or not. And even if the internal culture of the company is very impressive, you go to a specific position to work, therefore, first of all, work should be on the shoulder.

In order not to lose all invited applicants, interviewers conduct a simple questionnaire. Indicate the information that you consider necessary.
Short self-presentation

This is a mandatory moment of all group interviews, which scares many: you need to briefly tell about yourself - unobtrusively, but surely advertise yourself, your abilities and skills. You have to talk about yourself at any interview, but here the effect of public speaking is connected. The pre-prepared “presentation for the elevator” will help to cope with this stage.
Group assignments

When conducting a group interview, candidates are combined into a group and offered to cope with a real or imaginary problem that can be encountered in the process of working for a particular company. The leader of the formed group is either appointed by the interviewer, or the informal leader will manifest on his own.

Group interview involves creative tasks in the group, a manifestation of initiative. Be prepared for tasks on logic, a test of general knowledge or with a catch, as well as a game form of communication. For the seeming frivolity of the action, the employer draws the most interesting information by observing the applicants in the so-called small group.

Thus, during a group interview, the employer can assess the merits of each of the candidates: sociability, creativity, leadership inclinations, the ability to defend one's opinion reasonably.
The group interview will not end

A group interview may be the next step after a standard interview, but rather, this is the first step that results in screening out candidates. And selected applicants are often waiting for a one-on-one or panel interview. This can be explained by the fact that during a group interview some qualities of the applicant appear and others are hidden.

You need to understand that with this form of interview, candidates are selected in contrast - that is, it all depends on the group as a whole, which has selected. As a result, they will choose the best from a particular group.
Panel interview

You come for an interview, and several people are already waiting for you in the office - this is a panel interview, one of the types of group interviews.

This common form of interview replaces the applicant with several stages of interviews with various specialists of the company, which saves his time. But the panel itself is not the most comfortable, because the situation itself crushes - there are more than three people in the room and everyone carefully scans the applicant.

How to overcome fear of your own success

Do you know people who are modest about their achievements? They are praised, and they object, because they consider themselves unworthy of this. Such people explain their professional successes by chance, luck, a favorable combination of circumstances - anything but hard work, talent or diligence.

If you know this feeling, you are not alone. It is so widespread that back in 1978, psychologists Pauline Clans and Susan Imes coined the special term “impostor syndrome” or “impostor phenomenon”.

This syndrome manifests itself in both men and women, both in stars and ordinary workers, is considered a psychological problem and can be devastating for the human person. But it can and should be fought with. How - tells Work.ua.
Cause of the syndrome

As we grow professionally, we go beyond the personal comfort zone. A natural reaction to this phenomenon is fear. Here he is, in the person of an inner voice that whispers fears, is one of the culprits of the syndrome.
All troubles since childhood

A beloved or disliked childhood also gives rise to impostor syndrome: a child is caught up and then tries to meet the criteria of his parents all his life, or, conversely, in the shadow of his brother or sister unsuccessfully tries to gain adult recognition, constantly feels at ease and quickly becomes disillusioned with his own abilities .
How to fight

Having embarked on a path of professional growth, people suffering from impostor syndrome often make a rapid career. The fear of exposure makes them work hard. For others, they are competent colleagues. They are set as an example, promoted. However, sometimes their career is not so successful. Fearing not to cope with new tasks and feeling unworthy of such an attitude, “impostors” often consciously block their careers, reject awards and interesting offers.

“The worst thing in this situation is the internal tension in which people suffering from fraud syndrome constantly live. In modern society, any manifestations of weakness are considered inappropriate, and psychological weaknesses - even more so. Therefore, the imaginary “imposters” most often remain face to face with their problem, ”says Berlin psychotherapist Monika Klinkhammer.
Outside help

It is very difficult, according to psychologists, to cope with the “fraudster” inside yourself alone, according to psychologists. A sober assessment of strangers will help restore self-confidence. A conversation with someone who knows you well can be helpful. It is best if it is someone from a professional environment. His task is to give you an objective assessment. No need to praise, you need to try to open a person’s eyes to how they treat him in the team, for which he is appreciated. It is possible that at some point the imaginary "scammer" will need professional help from a psychologist.
Work on your thoughts

To get rid of the “impostor syndrome”, you need to overcome certain prejudices in yourself, for example, stop believing that a one-time mistake speaks of a person’s abilities. The goal of treatment is to teach a person to recognize negative and destructive thoughts and avoid them. Theoretically, when a person learns to recognize such thoughts, he will be able to compare thoughts with reality and identify shortcomings in the course of his thinking.
Success Diary

Experts encourage people to cultivate self-esteem in themselves by focusing on their strengths. Make a list of your strengths, skills and experience - create your own list of victories.

Write on paper your three main successes and, under each paragraph, briefly outline what you had to go through for this. After reading this list you will feel that you not only deserve success, but also are obliged to receive more.

The list of personal victories will help you understand if you are not too hard on yourself - for example, if you are not setting an excessively high bar for yourself. Perfectionism is disastrous.
Courses, seminars, trainings for advanced training

Further education courses or seminars on rhetoric can give self-confidence to those who consider themselves not worthy of the position they occupy. Finding balance will help sports, yoga or meditation. In this way, one can constructively respond to the inner voice that produces fear.

Do you have to struggle to recognize your own achievements? Do you dismiss compliments with the words: “I was just lucky ... It was team work ... Nothing special ...”? The main task for the "impostor" is to allow himself to be who he is and to stop judging himself, and at the same time others.

Do I need to control staff time

At a time when companies are trying to optimize their costs as much as possible, employees are faced with increased control and accounting for their work time. However, control is not equally effective for all employees.

According to various sources, from 10% to 30% of working time, staff spends unproductive. The main devourer of time is, of course, the Internet, which employees use for personal purposes. From one to three hours a day it takes to communicate on social networks, download e-books, online purchases and more. So whether control of working hours of employees is necessary and how effective will it be?
The need for control

“It is important to define the concept of“ control. ” With the proper organization of business processes, issues of planning / reporting, building communications, etc. the concept of control is organically integrated into the company’s activities, even if the concept of “control” doesn’t even sound at all, ”says Olga Shtil, leading recruiting consultant at Brain Source International.

Another issue, she added, is that sometimes control refers to the organization of surveillance of employees. For example, when electronic messages, calls are monitored. This is a negative practice that strengthens mistrust in the team and may lead to a serious internal crisis.

It is possible and necessary to control working hours, but you should approach this process with a clear understanding of why this is done, for which categories of employees and for which posts.

“The approach to control the presence of employees in the office from 9 to 6 is already losing its relevance. More and more companies are building schedules based on the wishes of employees. People are not robots, and everyone has different cycles of mental or biological activity. When working from 9 to 6, people begin to “lose their horizon”, especially where you need to be creative and think with your head, ”said Irina Klinitskaya, HR Director of the international Internet commerce center Allbiz

In her opinion, control should concern the fulfillment of tasks. A disciplinary framework is needed, but it must be flexible.

“When we tightly control an employee, we reduce his effectiveness with our own hands,” the expert says.
Who needs checks?

Experts advise not to establish total control for all employees, without exception. Creative people, for example, can work with a shifted schedule - some can work more productively in the morning, and others in the evening. And with managers, meetings with clients can be scheduled until late in the evening. Another thing is the secretaries, accountants, production workers, in whose work punctuality is important, because they participate in a single production chain.

“A lot depends on the scope of the enterprise. A completely different approach can be in the bank and in the advertising agency. It is clear that the bank has a lot of mandatory procedures, the failure of which clearly and on time threatens the effective functioning of the bank. For an advertising agency, effective work consists in high-quality creativity, a novelty of the approach and idea, and not in strict adherence to policies, standards and procedures, respectively, total control for creative people will not be an effective tool for their productive work, ”Olga Shtil noted.

At the same time, Irina Klinitskaya believes that control is needed, especially intermediate. You need to understand and constantly monitor what the employee is doing. But this does not mean that a person should be pulled every hour and control all his actions. Monitoring at an early stage helps to identify a problem with understanding the task and to help solve it.

“We need to work in tandem with an employee. Figuratively speaking, an employee is like a houseplant - he will wither if not watered. That is, if you do not pay attention to him, then he may lose motivation. A manager spends 80% of his time supporting subordinates, ”she says.
The impact of the crisis

Naturally, employers are interested in increasing the productivity of employees, because this affects the company's profits. If they spend their resources on staff, then in return they want to receive quality work on time. But work efficiency does not just depend on control, it depends on correctly assigned tasks.

“In our company, control was strengthened only by tasks. During the crisis, we evaluated who is doing what, removed all possible duplication of functions, and analyzed the tasks performed. We have no employees who are not 100% involved. Yes, the number of tasks has increased, but everyone understands today's economic realities. There are no more vacancies in the market and people are competing for a position in a good company. We need to learn how to adapt to new conditions, ”said Irina Klinitskaya.

It is worth noting that control in the company depends on many factors.

“For example, the identity of the head / owner of a business has an important influence. Often people from the security forces, the military, and former security officers transfer their experience to business.

How to prepare for an interview. Recipe

The main problem of most candidates is the lack of self-presentation skills. In America they have been teaching this since childhood, we are taught to be humble and not to hang out. As a result, during an interview an adult falls into a stupor.

The stupor can be of two grades - it either can hardly say anything, or carries an unstructured nonsense. As a result, the eychars are also angry, confused, and do not understand. The effect of such communication is understandable.

A simple recipe for Alena Vladimirskaya, creator of the PRUFFI recruitment agency, which is famous for originality and effectiveness in recruiting, will help prepare for a successful interview and avoid stupor in its first 20 minutes.

To prepare for the interview, you will need:

    2 days;
    one resume;
    one mirror;
    one voice recorder;
    time of three friends.

And the sequence of actions is extremely simple.
1. Learn a resume

Take your correctly written resume, where instead of a list of your job responsibilities (what you did), your KPIs (changes that have occurred in the company as a result of my work) are described, and you memorize it. Like a poem. By heart.
2. Turn on the recorder

Sit in front of a large mirror (full length) and turn on the recorder. Then tell the memorized resume aloud. It is out loud - you can’t even imagine how different what we say out loud from what we say “to ourselves”. Moreover, it’s not for the better.
3. Listen to the recording

Listen to what you told on the recorder and are horrified.
4. Make a series of 5 corrections

Correct the horrors and speak out loud again, again recording on the recorder. Again, edit it.

And so five times on the first day. If everything is done correctly, analyzing the work each time, it takes about 3.5 hours.
5. Sleep the night

The importance of effective sleep has not yet been canceled.
6. Again, make a series of five corrections

The next day, repeat the corrections described in the fourth paragraph 5 times, analyzing each time, correcting and improving what you say.

As a result, an average of 10-12 times you get a sane result - for 7-10 minutes (no more) you have a connected, structural and calm story about yourself, which already looks not as a memorized text, but as a structural story about yourself.
7. Connect your friends

Talk about yourself to the 3rd closest people with a request to severely criticize.
8. Edit your friends

Edit your friends and tell them again. Until they say that everything is ok.
You are ready!
What gives such a method

The most stressful are the first 20 minutes of the interview, when the candidate has not yet really mastered, and he needs to tell about himself. With this method, self-presentation is brought to the machine, and during the story you have the opportunity to look around, "exhale" and understand who you are talking to and what awaits you next.

At the same time, you look around, but this does not affect the quality of the story - the eychar hears a pleasant sane self-presentation and "gets good" - with a high degree of probability you will receive more favorable questions about your biography.

As a result, you pass the most difficult moments of the interview almost stresslessly, which directly affects the future proposal.

Please show this article to your friends and acquaintances - believe me, you will do an extremely important and good deed by preparing them for a job search.

The article is based on the materials of Alyona Vladimirskaya’s course on how to create a resume, look for employers and successfully pass interviews - “Everything about employment”.

The new cyberpolice of Ukraine is looking for candidates

Recruits to the New Police are still ongoing in some regions of Ukraine, and there is already a new opportunity to get an interesting job in the Department of Cyber ​​Police.

Inspectors and special agents of information technologies are recruited to the New Cyber ​​Police, whose task is to protect Ukrainians in the virtual space so that every user, using the Internet, can receive real-time police assistance.
How is the recruitment of cyber police officers

They want to recruit 400 people to the New Cyber ​​Police, among which 187 are cyber police inspectors in all regions of Ukraine, 39 are special agents of information technology, and the rest are re-certified current employees of the anti-cybercrime units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

To get into the ranks of cyber police, you need to fill out an online application form. Reception of profiles will last until October 25, 2015. As early as October 26, a certification competition will begin for all future cyber police officers. Until November 5, the staff of the cyber police will be formed and the last stage of the construction of the new functionality of the cyber police and staff retraining will begin.

As of 7:00 a.m. on October 19, 6567 questionnaires were submitted, of which 2223 - for the position of special agent for information technology and 4344 - for the position of inspector.
Requirements for future inspectors and special agents

For ease of perception, we divided the requirements for future cyber police officers into general ones for inspectors and special agents, as well as special ones that are important for a particular position.
General requirements for future inspectors and special agents:

    The desire for quality change in the fight against cybercrime.
    Ukrainian citizenship.
    Age from 21 years.
    Higher education.
    Lack of criminal record.
    Fluency in Ukrainian, English and Russian.
    Ability to make decisions and act in a limited time.
    Skills of using psychology and social engineering.

Special requirements for inspectors:

    Legal education is desirable.
    Knowledge of the law governing the fight against cybercrime.
    Understanding the mechanism of cybercrime.
    Adequate level of physical fitness to perform operational tasks.

Special requirements for special agents:

    Technical education is desirable.
    Knowledge of Chinese will be an advantage.
    Understanding the principles of network security.
    Experience in intercepting and analyzing network traffic.
    Experience in programming in high and low level languages.
    Experience reverse engineering malicious software.
    Knowledge of the architecture of the most popular operating systems.
    Experience in computer technology research.

Responsibilities of inspectors and special agents

The duties of inspectors and special agents directly depend on the main tasks of the cyber police, which are clearly demonstrated on the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.